Someone sent us a copy of a sheet handed to Adventist youth who came to Toronto. Parents did not know that, when their young people went to the youth auditorium at Toronto, they would be emotionally captured into what you will read below.

This is what was printed on a sheet they were handed at their youth meetings, to entice them into worldliness out on the streets of Toronto—in the hope that, when they returned home, they would go out on their own streets; into the cafés; and bars, where the alcoholics, drug pushers, and gangs are—and act like clowns or dance before them!


The city of Toronto has been flooded with SDA leaders from all around the world. And then to top it off, SDA youth have taken over the streets of Toronto with a new style of evangelism. Over 300 SDA youth are here for training and seminars in street ministry.

With over 25 ministries on the streets of Toronto, this will definitely "impact Toronto."


Christian Café. Need a place to hang out with other young people who want to share Christ in a café?

Christian Magicians and Balloons. God created rabbits, but can you pull one out of a hat? Use your slight of hand skills to share the gospel in this unique ministry.

Clown and Balloon Ministry. Learn all the clown techniques for sharing the gospel with a smile, a red nose, and big shoes.

Compassion Ministry. Feeding the homeless, visiting the children’s hospital, and parking meter mayhem is all part of the compassionate ministry.

Creative Movement Ministry. Those who are coordinated and inclined to tap their toes to music will enjoy this ministry.

Drama Ministry. Drama is powerful on the streets. Those who have dramatic skills and enjoy performing need to check out this ministry.

Mime Ministry. Preaching the gospel with painted faces, white gloves, and lots of gestures is an excellent way to minister.

Nighttime Revival Meetings. Each evening we will have revival meetings. Bring the new friends you’ve met through your ministry on the street. Some of the features will be music, drama, and youth speakers.

Puppet Ministry. Singing songs and telling people about Jesus, using puppets is what this ministry is all about.

Recreation Ministry. Love sports, American football, European football, Aussie rules football? How about baseball? Sports may be your ministry!

Storm Co. Specifically designed for youth directors. Learn how to put it all together and design outreach ministries for your conference, union, or division. Participate in an actual Storm Co event in Toronto.

Street Artists. Ever wanted to paint a really big mural? How about the side of a building? Hey, check this one out.

Video Ministry. Ever wanted to make a film on the street? Then point the camera to this ministry.

—Source of this information sheet:



"We need to study methods whereby we may preach the gospel . . Let no one think that God will approve of a method which will require a man to act the part of a clown, or like a man who has lost his senses."—Signs, March 19, 1894.

"I am instructed that we shall meet with all kinds of experiences that men will try to bring strange performances into the work of God . . The message was given that all theatrical performances in connection with the preaching of present truth were to be discouraged and forbidden."—Evangelism, 137.

"Satan will work with all his deceiving power . . Thus it has been in the past, and thus it will continue to be . . Deception will come to human minds, paralyzing spiritual discernment, and the deceiver will succeed in mingling the common fire with the sacred, until sacred things are brought down to a level with common, earthly imaginations, and conducted after the manner of worldly maxims, meeting the world’s standard."—Review, May 30, 1899.

"Many urge that by uniting with worldlings and conforming to their customs they might exert a stronger influence over the ungodly. But all who pursue this course thereby separate from the Source of their strength. Becoming the friends of the world, they are the enemies of God."—Patriarchs and Prophets, 607.

"The work in the large cities is to be done after Christ’s order, not after the order of a theatrical performance. It is not a theatrical performance that glorifies God."—9 Testimonies, 142.

"Not one jot or tittle of anything theatrical is to be brought into our work, God’s cause is to have a sacred, heavenly mold . . Let nothing of a theatrical nature be permitted, for this would spoil the sacredness of the work."—Evangelism, 137.

"The things you have described as taking place in Indiana, the Lord has shown me would take place just before the close of probation. Every uncouth thing will be demonstrated. There will be shouting, with drums, music, and dancing. The senses of rational beings will become so confused that they cannot be trusted to make right decisions. And this is called the moving of the Holy Spirit . . A bedlam of noise shocks the senses and perverts that which if conducted aright might be a blessing. The powers of satanic agencies blend with the din and noise, to have a carnival, and this is termed the Holy Spirit’s working . .

"No encouragement should be given to this kind of worship. The same kind of influence came in after the passing of the time in 1844. The same kind of representations were made. Men became excited, and were worked by a power thought to be the power of God . .

"At these demonstrations demons in the form of men are present, working with all the ingenuity that Satan can employ to make the truth disgusting to sensible people; that the enemy was trying to arrange matters so that the camp meetings, which have been the means of bringing the truth of the third angel’s message before multitudes, should lose their force and influence.

"The third angel’s message is to be given in straight lines. It is to be kept free from every thread of the cheap, miserable inventions of men’s theories, prepared by the father of lies and disguised as was the brilliant serpent used by Satan as a medium of deceiving our first parents. Thus Satan tries to put his stamp upon the work God would have stand forth in purity . .

"Those things which have been in the past will be in the future. Satan will make music a snare by the way in which it is conducted."—2 Selected Messages, 36-38.



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